Lycaon (Arcadia)

For the Trojan Lycaon, see Lycaon (son of Priamos).

In Greek mythology, Lycaon was a king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and Meliboea, who in the most popular version of the myth tested Zeus by serving him a dish of his slaughtered and dismembered son in order to see whether Zeus was truly omniscient. In return for these gruesome deeds Zeus transformed Lycaon into the form of a wolf, and killed Lycaon's fifty sons by lightning bolts, except possibly Nyctimus, who was the slaughtered child, and instead became restored to life.[1]


Versions of the main myth

There are several version of the Lycaon myth, already reported by Hesiod (Fragmenta astronomica, by Eratosthenes, Catasterismi), told by several authors. The most popular version is the one reported by Ovid in the first book of his Metamorphoses.

The different versions of the myth are as follows[2]:

Sons of Lycaon

According to the Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus), the 50 sons of Lycaon were:[11]

  1. Melaeneus
  2. Thesprotus
  3. Helix
  4. Nyctimus
  5. Peucetius
  6. Caucon
  7. Mecisteus
  8. Hopleus
  9. Macareus
  10. Macednus
  1. Oenotrus
  2. Polichus
  3. Acontes
  4. Euaemon
  5. Ancyor
  6. Archebates
  7. Carteron
  8. Aegaeon
  9. Pallas
  10. Eumon
  1. Canethus
  2. Prothous
  3. Linus
  4. Corethon
  5. Maenalus
  6. Teleboas
  7. Physius
  8. Phassus
  9. Phthius
  10. Lycius
  1. Alipherus
  2. Genetor
  3. Bucolion
  4. Socleus
  5. Phineus
  6. Eumetes
  7. Harpaleus
  8. Portheus
  9. Plato(n)
  10. Haemon
  1. Cynaethus
  2. Leo(n)
  3. Harpalycus
  4. Heraeeus
  5. Titanas
  6. Mantineus
  7. Cleitor
  8. Stymphalus
  9. Orchomenus

Maenalus was in early modern times being represented by the now obsolete constellations Mons Maenalus in the southern part of Boötes.

An alternate list of Lycaon's sons is given by Pausanias.[12] According to his account, almost each of them founded a city in Arcadia and became its eponym.

  1. Nyctimus succeeded to Lycaon's power
  2. Pallas founded Pallantium
  3. Orestheus, Oresthasium
  4. Phigalus, Phigalia
  5. Trapezeus, Trapezous
  6. Daseatas, Dasea
  7. Macareus, Macaria
  8. Helisson, town of Helisson (also gave his name to a nearby river)
  9. Acacus, Acacesium
  10. Thocnus, Thocnia
  11. Orchomenus, Orchomenus and Methydrium
  12. Hypsus, Hypsus
  13. (name missing), Melaneae
  14. Thyreus, Thyraeum
  15. Maenalus, Maenalus
  16. Tegeates, Tegea
  17. Mantineus, Mantinea
  18. Cromus, Cromi
  19. Charisius, Charisia
  20. Tricolonus, Tricoloni
  21. Peraethus, Peraetheis
  22. Aseatas, Asea
  23. (name missing, Lyceus?), Lycoa
  24. Alipherus, a city of his name
  25. Heraeus, a city of his name
  26. Oenotrus (the youngest), Oenotria in Italy

According to Tzetzes, some of the names of Lycaon's sons were: Maenalus, Thesprotus, Nyctimus, Caucon, Lycius, Phthius, Teleboas, Haemon, Mantineus, Stymphalus, Cleitor, Orchomenus[13], all of which also appear on the lists above.

Plutarch gives the names of two sons that stayed aside from the abomination: Eleuther and Lebadus.[14]

Lycaon was also known to have had at least three daughters: Callisto, Dia and Psophis.

See also


  1. ^ Theoi: Lykaon
  2. ^ Hertz, Wilhelm (1862) (in german). Der Werwolf. Beitrag zur Sagengeschichte. von A. Kröner, Stuttgart. 
  3. ^ Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, 3. 8. 1 - 2
  4. ^ Tzetzes on Lycophron, 481
  5. ^ Lycophron, Alexandra, 480
  6. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae, 176
  7. ^ Theoi: Astronomica, Bear-watcher, by Gaius Julius Hyginus (translated by Mary Grant).
  8. ^ Ovid, Metamorphoses, 1. 216 - 239
  9. ^ Suda s. v. Lykaōn
  10. ^ Pseudo-Eratosthenes, Catasterismi, 8
  11. ^ Apollodorus. Library and Epitome. 3.8.1.
  12. ^ Pausanias. Description of Greece, 8.3.1 - 5.
  13. ^ Tzetzes on Lycophron, 481
  14. ^ Plutarch, Quaestiones Graecae, 39

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